Maho beauty

Maho beauty
“Come, butterfly It's late- We've miles to go together.” ― Matsuo Bashō, On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho

2015 m. gegužės 24 d., sekmadienis


桜 - This is the Japanese character for sakura. The 木 (ki) on the left side means tree/wood and developed from a pictogram of a tree, with the horizontal line as branches and diagonal lines as roots. Sakura is derived from saku 咲, which means to bloom, or alternately to smile/laugh. The 口 in 咲 indicates an open mouth.

Tradiciniai japoniški plaukų smeigtukai - kanzaši su vyšnios žiedų ornamentais:…
This beautiful vintage style Japanese hair comb is the type called "Kanzashi." This is a kind of umbrella term used for a number of different types of hair accessory.

This beautiful 'Fan Kanzashi' hair ornament is made of acrylic 'Bekko' Tortoise Shell, decorated with Japanese cherry blossoms. It gradates from amber to black to resemble tortoise shell.
Such ornaments represent a link with traditional forms in Japanese hair accessories, which have been used for hundreds of years before Western styles began to overtake traditional forms.
Lovely JAPANESE hair accessory – ornamental KANZASHI HAIRPIN: Tradition’s inspired modern series. Lovely Sakura cherry tree:
さくら! Sakura blossoms in your hair 🌸 

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