Two rabid and cool Japanese Shinto gods: God of thunder and God of Wind
His name is derived from the Japanese words rai (雷, "thunder") and "god" or "kami" (神 shin). He is typically depicted as a demon-looking spirit beating drums to create thunder, usually with the symbol tomoe drawn on the drums.
Fūjin or Futen is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the oldest Shinto gods.
He is portrayed as a terrifying wizard-like demon, resembling a red headed black humanoid wearing a leopard skin, carrying a large bag of winds on his shoulders.
In Japanese art, the god is often depicted together with Raijin, the god of lightning, thunder and storms.
Originalūs japoniško dizaino magnetukai šaldytuvui 52mm „Perkūno dievas Raijin“ ir „Fūjin – vėjo dievas“
Cool Japanese design fridge magnet plate 52 mm “Raijin – god of thunder” |
Fūjin-raijin-zu by Tawaraya Sōtatsu, with Raijin shown on the left and Fūjin right. |
Japanese design fridge magnet plate "Fujin - god of the wind" |